
Rylen from the day she was born, I thought SUPERSTAR. That’s what she is to me and Jordan is MY HEART.

Rylen has been doing well in school, she can’t read yet and it kinda bothers me a little but her teacher says she’s not expected to. She’s basically an all rounder; good at pretty much everything she’s asked to do. Her art is good (really?) and her math and fine plus gross motor skills are excellent, she recognizes her alphabets and I know she ‘reads’ by memory and learns mandarin by singing. She’s a happy, sensitive, motherly, kind, funny and generally an awesome child. I look at her and feel such pride.


This morning, I found Rylen in bed with Jordan and Jordan was still fast asleep at 7am. I know Ry was awake at 6.30am because I heard her singing softly on  the monitor but Jordan has tummy issues and she was up at 4.30am we had to clean her up and put her back to bed. So Rylen letting her sleep and not scream for her to wake up showed so much maturity and just stroking her hair so she’d keep sleeping…awww, melts.

Kids, they mostly make you tired but in those AW moments keep you going 🙂

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