I Would like to Photoshop Ma Tummy PLEASE.

I still look like I could be pregnant… there I said it. It sucks and makes me feel really depressed. I started loosing weight  and started running then I went back to work and I’m so busy and tired… in a nutshell it’s been hard, very hard. I see women bounce right back into shape, the media, the comments. Yes, I want to look like my old self VERY BADLY but looking like that took 3 days a week of exercise and sometimes more and I wasn’t even considered slim.

I look at my schedule now and I’m like crap, how am I gonna fit in exercise… and then my inside voice goes… how can you not?

In the meantime, I had a glass of skim milk instead of milo or cereal when I got the munchies at night. So yay. All I ask is that I make it through this week without getting sick and I’ll sign up for the gym at work and go at least twice a week and I also have lotsa healthy outdoor things planned for the family. Of course Christmas is around the corner… I have a feeling that I’m gonna be losing the weight just so that I can eat 😦


One thought on “I Would like to Photoshop Ma Tummy PLEASE.

  1. Hahaha, I can so relate to this. Sometimes I wonder with all that running about and baby-carrying, why doesn’t the extra kilos dissipate into the air? :/

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