
So I’ve been trying to get back into exercise. I’ve had nearly 10kg to lose after Jordan and I’ve lost and gained 3kg of it, off and on and it’s getting annoying. The best time for me to exercise is during lunch and since I don’t have any events right now, it’s been the perfect time to start. So far I’ve only managed once a week! I really don’t get how people can exercise 5 times a week! I’m struggling to get it up to 3 times. Between meetings, other errands to run during lunch, wanting to eat with my friends at work… I really must aim for 2 times during lunch.

Anyways, when I first started I only managed once a week for the first two weeks and then I managed to get in a gym session and a run with the dogs… yay…. exercise twice a week! This week I managed to go to the gym, for a run yesterday with the dogs and I hope I can get something in on Sunday… then tada 3 times a week!!

I’m also trying to get to 5km on the cross trainer before I move onto the treadmill… just so that I know I can, I run enough at the park near my place. I’ve also started working out my arms since it’s the easiest to see definition which will at least proves to me that I’m actually getting somewhere! I really should start doing squats… which I hate … I do miss the classes at California Fitness, so easy… do a class, then run 5km and there you go, 3 X a week and I could eat pretty much whatever I wanted! Easy peasy. I might try and get into a weight based class next year.

Boring? I haven’t been on a diet, I mean who am I kidding, I don’t do well on diets ever, I just try and have a LIL more self-control eg. no more Gong Cha, less canned sodas (yes, I have a major weakness for Ginger Ale), a lil less rice etc. But it’s Christmas and I love CHRISTMAS and all the food we get to have at Christmas so I shall not even go there.

Here’s to trying to lose 3 to 4 more before Christmas… ahahahahahahahahahaahhaahahahahaha.

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