Jordan – 11 Months

I’m still in denial. I cannot believe she’s gonna be a YEAR old. I haven’t done much cept’ inform some people to save the date and the theme, cos I HEART THEMES. It gives me some sorta direction and it makes my life that much harder.

Dearest Jordan,

In less than a month you’ll turn a year old, a toddler, not a baby. One day you’ll stop resting your little round head against my cheek, you’ll stop stroking my belly, snapping my bra, patting my head, patting your own bum, while you have your milk, I’ll have to wean you off and ohmygoodness I have mixed feelings about that. It’s been great so far, I think it was really important to keep breastfeeding you; not just for the health benefits but also because it forced us to spend time with each other. Ry being older and more vocal demands attention and frankly she would have gotten it, so I thank breast feeding. Spending quality time with each other, every morning and every night, just the two of us and it has been wonderful. I know I said a year and Daddy figures you’ll be weaned off when you’re 12 years old but I think, we’ve done good and once you’re 1, we drop another feed but we’ll keep the morning and night ones till further notice :).

You certainly are Mommy’s little love bug and when you want me to carry you, no one else will do (especially after 7.30pm). You’re still very tentative about walking, you don’t want to walk more than two steps unless you have two hands to hold on to or  you will look up and ask for the other hand (or you will sit down) or a table/ chair nearby. Still no teeth but I FINALLY without a doubt can see two little bottom teeth peeking out, they still haven’t cut through but I’m 100% sure you’ll have them by your first birthday!

022  If you look closely you’ll see the 2 tiny bumps

Talking. Okay this one is hilarious. You can speak, so clearly the following words – Daddy, Jie Jie, Love You, Stomper, Bird, Where. But you’ll say it ONCE and then when we ask you to say it again you do your famous ‘eh?’, I swear if there wasn’t another person in the room when you speak, all of us would have thought we had gone bonkers.

Love you my darling,


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